When you finish orthodontic treatment, your teeth will be in the proper position. However, they aren’t stable and will move if you don’t wear a retainer. Dr. Kerr will provide you with a removable or fixed retainer. Retainers are to be worn for life or as long as you want your teeth straight.
When you take your retainer out, you need to clean it. Hawley retainers can be brushed with a toothbrush and toothpaste. However, if you have clear retainers, you’ll need to use a retainer cleaner.
Protect your retainer when it is not in your mouth. You will receive a case to protect the retainer when it isn’t in your mouth. Don’t leave the retainer and case in a hot car. When exposed to extreme heat, retainers change shape.
You must keep your teeth and the retainer clean. Clean the wire when brushing your teeth and use a floss threader or water flosser to floss around the retainer. If the retainer becomes loose, contact Dr. Kerr immediately.